Aircraft is a means of transportation that has a very important meaning for economic development and defense, bearing in mind that Indonesia is an archipelagic country with geographical conditions that are difficult to penetrate without adequate means of transportation. From the conditions mentioned above, the idea arose that as an archipelagic state of Indonesia, it is important to have a maritime and aviation industry. This led to the birth of the aircraft industry in Indonesia.
Since Indonesian puppet mythology developed in the cultural life of the Indonesian people and the figure of Gatotkaca became a legendary figure as a 'flying hero', the desire of the Indonesian people to have the ability to fly has been very high since then.
In the era of the Dutch colonial government, there was no aircraft design program, instead they carried out a series of activities related to making licenses, technical and safety evaluations for all aircraft operating throughout Indonesia.
In 1914, the Flight Test Section (Flight Test Section) was established in Surabaya with the task of studying aircraft flight performance in the tropics.
Then in 1930, this was followed by the establishment of the Aircraft Production Section (Aircraft Manufacturing Section) which produced the Canadian AVRO-AL aircraft, where the modified fuselage was made of local wood. This manufacturing facility was later moved to Andir Airfield or Andir Airport (now Husein Sastranegara Airport).
It was during this period that interest in building aircraft was developed in privately owned workshops.
In 1937, eight years before Indonesian independence, at the request of a local businessman and some Indonesian youths, led by Tossin built an airplane in a workshop located on Jl. Pasirkaliki, Bandung. They named it the PK plane. KKH. This aircraft surprised the aviation world at that time because of its ability to fly to the Netherlands, China and vice versa. Prior to this, around 1922, Indonesia had even been involved in aircraft modifications at a private house on Jl. Cikapundung, Bandung.
In 1938, at the request of LW. Walraven and MV. Patist - PK designer. KKH - small aircraft built in the workshop on Jl. Kebon Kawung, Bandung.
As soon as Indonesian Independence was proclaimed in 1945, the opportunity for the Indonesian people to realize their dream of building an airplane with their own needs was wide open. Since then, people have begun to deeply realize that as an archipelagic country, Indonesia will always need air transportation for the smooth running of its own country, in terms of economic development and national defense.
In 1946, the Planning & Construction Bureau was established at TRI-Air or Indonesian Air Force (now called TNI-AU). Sponsored by Wiweko Supono, Nurtanio Pringgoadisurjo, and Sumarsono, a workshop specially set up in Magetan, near Madiun, East Java.
From the simple materials of a number of Zoglings, the NWG-1 light aircraft was made.
The manufacture of this aircraft also involved Tossin, supported by Ahmad, cs. There are six of them, the aircraft is used to develop interest in aviation for the Indonesian people and at the same time it is also used to introduce the world of aviation to prospective pilots who are ready to take flight training in India.
Then in 1948 they succeeded in making the first aircraft engine, powered by a Harley Davidson engine, called the WEL-X. Designed by Wiweko Supono, the aircraft became known as the RI-X.
This era was marked by the emergence of a number of aeromodelling clubs which led to the birth of an aviation technology pioneer, named Nurtanio Pringgoadisuryo. But they had to stop this activity because of the communist Madiun Uprising and Dutch aggression.
In this period aviation activities were carried out as part of the physical revolution for national freedom. The aircraft available here are modified for combat missions. Augustine Adisutjipto was the most outstanding figure of this period, who designed and test-flyed an airplane and flew it in aerial combat. He modified Cureng's plane into a ground attack version.
After the Dutch colonial era ended, the activities mentioned above were continued in Bandung at the Andir airport - later known as Husein Sastranegara Airport. In 1953 this activity was institutionalized into the Trial Section (Experimental Section). It is managed by 15 members, which are under the supervision of the Air Engineering Maintenance Depot Command, led by Air Major Nurtanio Pringgoadisurjo.
Based on Nurtanio's design, on August 1, 1954, the division succeeded in flying the 'Si Kumbang' prototype, an airplane made of full metal with one seat and made of three units.
On April 24, 1957, based on the Decree of the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Air Force No. 68, the Trial Section was developed into a larger organization, named the Investigation, Trial & Manufacture Sub Depot.
In the following year, 1958, the basic trainer prototype "Belalang 89" was successfully flown.
As a serial production, the following aircraft was called Belalang 90 and was made in 5 units, and they took some of the best pilot candidates at the Air Force Academy & Army Aviation Center (Air Force Academy & Army Aviation Center). In the same year, the "Fifly 25" sport aircraft was flown. The philosophy of this aircraft is to motivate the younger generation of Indonesia who are interested in aircraft manufacturing.
To improve their aeronautical background, during the 1960s - 1964 period, Nurtanio and three other colleagues were sent to Far Eastern Air Transport Incorporated (FEATI) Philippines, one of the first aeronautical universities in Asia. After completing their studies, they returned to Bandung to work at LAPIP.

Belalang Aircraft

Kunang Aircraft

Sikumbang Aircraft
In line with the achievements that have been obtained and to allow it to develop more quickly, based on the Decree of the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Air Force No. 488, August 1960, the Aviation Industry Preparation Institute (LAPIP), the Aviation Industry was established. Inaugurated on December 16, 1961, the agency has the function of preparing for the establishment of the aviation industry with the capability to support national aviation activities in Indonesia.
In this regard, in 1961 LAPIP signed a cooperation agreement with CEKOP, the Polish aircraft industry, to develop an aircraft industry in Indonesia.
The contract covered the construction of aircraft manufacturing facilities, HR training and production, under license, of the PZL-104 Wilga, which became known as the Gelatik (rice bird). The aircraft produced in series in 44 units are used to support agricultural activities, light transportation and aero-clubs.
In almost the same period, in 1965, through a Presidential Decree, KOPELAPIP (Command to Implement the Aircraft Industry) or the Executive Command for the Preparation of the Aviation Industry and PN. The Berdikari Aircraft Industry was established.
In March 1966, Nurtanio died while conducting an airplane test flight, and to commemorate his valuable contribution to his country and nation, KOPELAPIP and PN. The Independent Aircraft Industry then joined LIPNUR / the Nurtanio Aviation Industry Institute or the Nurtanio Aviation Industry Institute. In further development, LIPNUR produced a basic training aircraft named LT-200 and built a workshop for after-sales service, maintenance and repair & repair.
In 1962, based on a presidential decree, ITB Aviation Engineering (ITB Aviation Engineering Section) was established as part of the existing Mechanical Department. Oetarjo Diran and Liem Keng Kie were the pioneers of this part of aviation. These two figures are among those included in the Overseas Students Scholarship Program. Initiated in 1958, through this program, a number of Indonesian students were sent abroad (Europe and the United States).
Meanwhile, a young Indonesian man - B.J. Habibie - from 1964 to 1970s.
The five main factors that led to the establishment of IPTN were: There were several Indonesians who had long dreamed of building airplanes and establishing an aircraft industry in Indonesia; several Indonesians who possess the mastery of science and technology to build airplanes and the aircraft industry; several Indonesians who, apart from mastering the required science and technology, are also very dedicated to utilizing their expertise for the establishment of the aircraft industry; several Indonesians who are experts in the marketing and sales of aircraft for national and international scope; political will of the ruling Government.
The harmonious integration of the factors mentioned above has made IPTN an aircraft industry with adequate facilities.
It all started with Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, a man who was born in Pare-pare, South Sulawesi, on June 25, 1936. He graduated from Aachen Technical High Learning, Department of Aircraft Construction, and then worked at MBB (Masserschmitt Bolkow Blohm), an aircraft industry flying in Germany since 1965.
When he was about to get his doctorate, in 1964, he had a strong desire to return to his country to participate in Indonesia's development program in the aviation industry. However, KOPELAPIP management advised him to continue seeking more experience, while waiting for the possibility of building an aircraft industry. In 1966, when Adam Malik, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia at that time visited Germany, he asked Habibie to contribute his ideas for the realization of Indonesian Development.
Realizing that efforts to build an aircraft industry would not be possible by himself, Habibie decided to start pioneering to prepare a highly skilled workforce that at any time could be used by the future aircraft industry in Indonesia. Soon Habibie formed a team of volunteers. And in early 1970 the team was sent to Germany to start working and studying science and technology in the field of aviation at HFB / MBB, where Habibie worked, to carry out their initial planning.
In the same period, similar activities were also spearheaded by Pertamina (Indonesian Oil Company) in its capacity as Indonesia's development agent. With such a capacity, Pertamina has succeeded in building the Krakatau Steel Industry. Ibnu Sutowo, President of Pertamina at that time, contributed his thoughts that the process of technology transfer from developed countries must be carried out with a clear and nationally oriented concept.
In early December 1973, Ibnu Sutowo met with Habibie in Dusseldorf, Germany, where he gave a detailed explanation to Habibie about the development of Indonesia, Pertamina with the dream of establishing an aircraft industry in Indonesia. The result of that meeting was the appointment of Habibie as an adviser to the President of Pertamina, and he was asked to return to Indonesia immediately.
In early January 1974, decisive steps towards establishing the aircraft industry had been taken. The first realization was the establishment of a new division specializing in advanced technology and aviation technology affairs. Two months after the Dusseldorf meeting, on 26 January 1974 Habibie was summoned by President Soeharto. At that meeting Habibie was appointed as the President's Advisor in technology. This is the first day for Habibie to start his official mission.
These meetings resulted in the birth of the ATTP Division (Pertamina Advanced Technology & Aviation Technology) which became a milestone for the establishment of BPPT and part of IPTN.
In September 1974, ATTP signed a basic licensing agreement with MBB, Germany and CASA, Spain for the production of BO-105 helicopters and NC-212 fixed wing aircraft.
When efforts to establish it began to take shape, there were problems faced by Pertamina which then affected the existence of the ATTP, its projects and programs, namely regarding the aircraft industry.But realizing that the ATTP Division and its projects are vehicles to prepare Indonesians to 'take off' for Pelita VI, the Government decided to continue with the establishment of the aircraft industry with all the consequences.
Regarding this matter, based on Government Regulation no.12, 5 April 1976, preparations for the aircraft industry were carried out.Through this regulation all available assets, facilities and potential are accumulated including the assets of Pertamina, the ATTP Division which have been prepared for the establishment of the aircraft industry with the assets of LIPNUR, the Indonesian Air Force, as the basic capital for the aircraft industry.
This basic capital is expected to support the growth of the aircraft industry which is able to answer all challenges.
On April 26, 1976, based on Notarial Deed No.15, in Jakarta, PT.Nurtanio Aircraft Industry was officially established with Dr. BJ. Habibie as Main Director. When the physical facilities for this industry were completed, in August 1976 President Soeharto inaugurated this aircraft industry.
On October 11, 1985, PT. Nurtanio Aircraft Industry was transferred to PT. Nusantara Aircraft Industry or IPTN.
From this point on, a new horizon for the growth of the modern and complete aircraft industry in Indonesia has just begun.And it was during this period that all aspects of infrastructure, facilities, human resources, laws and regulations, and those related to and supporting the existence of the aircraft industry were held in an integrated manner.Previously, in the 1960s and 1970s, this had never been seriously considered.Apart from that, this industry has also developed progressive technology and the concept of industrial transformation which has proven to provide optimal results in the effort to master aviation technology in a relatively short time, 20 years.
IPTN is of the view that technology transfer must be implemented in an integral, complete manner and includes hardware, software and brain devices where humans are the core.
That's a human being who has the strong will, ability and point of view in science, theory and expertise to implement it in real works.Based on this, IPTN has implemented a technology transfer philosophy called "Start at the End and End at the Beginning".This is a philosophy to absorb advanced technology progressively and gradually in an inseparable process and based on Indonesia's objective needs.Through this philosophy then thoroughly mastered, not only material but also ability and expertise.This philosophy can also be adapted to the developments and progress achieved by other countries.
This philosophy teaches that building an airplane does not always start with components, but directly learns from the end of the process (aircraft that has already been built), then reverses through the component manufacturing phase.The technology transfer phase is divided into:
- Existing technology / Licensing Program utilization phase
- Technology Integration Phase
- Technology Development Phase, and
- Basic Research Phase
The target of the first phase is mastery of manufacturing capabilities, and at the same time selecting and determining the types of aircraft that meet domestic needs;sales proceeds are used to support the company's business capabilities.This is known as the progressive manufacturing method.The second phase is aimed at mastering design and manufacturing capabilities.The third phase is aimed at increasing self-design ability.
During the last 24 years of its establishment, IPTN has succeeded in transferring advanced and cutting-edge aviation technology, mostly from the western hemisphere, to Indonesia. IPTN has mastered aircraft design, development, and manufacturing of small to medium regional commuters.
In facing the new global market system, IPTN is redefining itself to become 'IPTN 2000' which emphasizes implementing a new, business-oriented strategy to meet the current situation with a new structure.
The restructuring program includes reorienting the business, justifying and compiling human resources with available workloads, and strong capitalization based on a more market focused and more concentrated business mission.
IPTN is now selling its high capabilities in the field of engineering – by offering designs to test activity services, manufacturing, aircraft and non-aircraft components and after sales services.
It is in this connection that the name IPTN has been changed to PT DIRGANTARA INDONESIA or Indonesian Aerospace, abbreviated as IAe, which was officially inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH. Abdurrahman Wahid, in Bandung on 24 August 2000.