Born in Jakarta on October 4, 1971, Air Marshal M. Tonny Harjono, S.E., M.M., was first appointed as President Commissioner of PT Dirgantara Indonesia on December 16, 2024 based on SOE Minister Decree and President Director of the Company (Persero) PT LEN Industri Number SK-303/MBU/12/2024 and 012/KRUPS/LEN-PTDI/XII/2024 concerning Appointment of the Board of Commissioners, of the Company PT Dirgantara Indonesia.
Air Marshal M. Tonny Harjono, S.E., M.M., was a graduate of the Air Force Academy in year 1993 and also recorded as having attended various education at the 50th Flight School in 1996, the F-16 Conversion in 1997, and the 71st Air Force Command Unit School in 2002.
Then the 50th Batch of Aviation Instructor School in 2004, KT-1 Conversion in 2005, Sukoi Conversion in 2006. Furthermore, the 45th Air Force Staff and Command School in 2008, PPRA Lemhanas 61st Batch in 2020.