No. PTD/045/SP-HUMAS/XI/2022
Cianjur, 26 November 2022 – Public Relations PTDI
PT Dirgantara Indonesia as a member of DEFEND ID distributed aid to people affected by the earthquake disaster in Cianjur Regency, West Java. The assistance provided by PTDI included basic necessities, baby diapers, sanitary napkins, snacks, tarpaulins and bedding which were handed over to the BUMN Disaster Task Force Post in Cijedil Village, Cugenang District, Cianjur Regency.
"PTDI is sorry for the earthquake that occurred. We invite all levels of PTDI management and employees to provide assistance to the basic needs of the victims," said Gita Amperiawan, President Director of PTDI.
Providing assistance to affected communities is a form of the company's social and environmental responsibility (TJSL) which not only contributes to environmental development, but also helps victims during natural disasters, especially residents of Cianjur and its surroundings.
"PT Dirgantara Indonesia will continue to coordinate with the BUMN Disaster Task Force to distribute various needs that are expected to ease the burden on affected communities," added Gita Amperiawan, President Director of PTDI.
SOE Minister Erick Thohir directed that state-owned companies must be present in the midst of affected communities to help, assist and convey the message that they are not alone.
"SOEs through the SOE Disaster Task Force and the SOE Foundation for Indonesia went directly to the affected locations, the SOE Disaster Task Force also mobilized a number of heavy equipment and other equipment needed considering that many public facilities were damaged," said Erick Thohir, Minister of SOEs.
For further information, you may contact :
Adi Prastowo
Corporate Communications & Promotions Manager
PT Dirgantara Indonesia
Phone : +62 22 6055165
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