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N219 Aircraft Explore Riau Islands


No. PTD/019/SP-HUMAS/VI/2023

Tanjung Pinang, June 17, 2023 - PTDI Public Relations

After previously flying to Bangka Belitung in September 2022, this time the N219 aircraft flew to the Riau Islands (Kepri) in the context of the N219 Market Survey Flight. The aircraft, flown by Captain Djamhari as Pilot In Command and Firmansyah Cahya as Copilot, took off at 07:30 from Husein Sastranegara International Airport, Bandung, to Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport, Palembang, which then resumed its flight and arrived at Raja Haji Fisabilillah International Airport, Tanjung Pinang, on the same date at 13:00.

On this occasion, the N219 aircraft carried out a lowpass which was witnessed directly by the Governor of Riau Islands Province, H. Ansar Ahmad, Deputy for Economic Affairs of the Ministry of PPN RI / Bappenas, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, Chairman of the Riau Islands Provincial DPRD, Jumaga Nadeak and prospective operators who will operate the N219 aircraft, as well as several other invited guests, accompanied by PTDI's Director of Commerce, Technology & Development, Moh Arif Faisal and PTDI's Board of Commissioners.

"This activity is one of PTDI's efforts in carrying out the commercialization process of the N219 aircraft in the country, which of course can also support the economic transformation program in Riau Islands, especially in improving regional connectivity, and encouraging the acceleration of regional development. This is also part of our commitment to continue to develop and deliver innovative, efficient and reliable products to strengthen the Defend ID ecosystem," said Moh Arif Faisal, PTDI's Director of Commerce, Technology & Development.

Riau Islands as an area consisting of more than 1,000 islands requires strengthening in inter-island connectivity, especially through air transportation. The N219 aircraft, which is the work of the nation's children, has been chosen as an air transportation vehicle that will support the economic transformation program in the Riau Islands.

"The economic transformation of the Riau Islands is very suitable as a pilot project for the commercialization of the N219 aircraft. Bappenas together with related teams have compiled a business model through ecosystem synergy by involving the Regional Government including its BUMD, Aircraft Operator Company (AOC), domestic leasing companies and PTDI itself, of course with the support of the Central Government, so that the commercialization of the N219 aircraft in the Riau Islands will soon be realized," said Suharso Monoarfa, Minister of PPN RI / Bappenas.

As for now, the N219 aircraft has obtained its first contract, namely 11 (eleven) units from PT Karya Logistik Indotama (PT KLI) which the contract was signed on November 03, 2022 on the occasion of the Indo Defence Expo 2022, witnessed directly by the Indonesian Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto and the Minister of PPN RI / Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa.

The N219 aircraft is the result of PTDI's collaboration with the National Research & Innovation Agency (formerly LAPAN) which on August 16, 2017 conducted its inaugural flight test and on November 10, 2017 was named "Nurtanio" by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, until finally successfully obtaining a Type Certificate (TC) on December 22, 2020 issued by the Directorate of Airworthiness & Aircraft Operation (DKPPU), Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, with a TKDN (Domestic Component Level) value of 44.69% which will then continue to be increased, so that it can have a growth impact (spin-over) on several domestic industries, including industries in the regions, one of which is in terms of the maintenance / maintenance industry.

The N219 aircraft was developed specifically to be able to support the development of connectivity and accessibility of 3TP (Disadvantaged, Remote, Outermost and Border) areas with Short Take Off Landing capabilities on runways that are less than 800 meters long and unpaved. In its utilization, the N219 aircraft can be used with various configurations according to user needs, both for passenger transport, logistics, as well as medical evacuation and flying doctors.

The N219 aircraft has various advantages over its classmates, including: 1) Spacious cabin to ensure passenger comfort; 2) Equipped with Full Glass Cockpit to help reduce pilot workload; 3) Wide Side Door to facilitate the loading / unloading of cargo.

Currently, PTDI is also developing an amphibious version of the N219 aircraft that can take off on the water surface, so it is hoped that with this air transportation innovation in the future it will be possible to reach all archipelago marine tourism destinations in several regions of Indonesia quickly using the N219 amphibious aircraft.


For further information, you may contact :

Adi Prastowo      

Corporate Communications & Promotions Manager

PT Dirgantara Indonesia

Phone  : +62 22 6055165

Email : aprastowo@indonesian-aerospace.com

Source : Humas PTDI

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